Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Really Living

I've heard people say that they are really living. Probably because they just got paid that day, have all kinds of gadgets, eating at fancy restaurants. I guess to some that is "really living". But how do you live it up when the paychecks stop (it's happened to a lot of people lately), the gadgets get old, the fancy restaurants have lost their appeal?

In Philippians 1: 20-23, the Apostle Paul declared that he was "really living". What did he mean? "Really living" to him was living for Christ. Serving Him every day and experiencing the expectation of living with Him for all of eternity.

You see, that never gets old. God's paychecks never stop coming (they're called blessings), His wonders are always amazing, and we continually eat from His table.

Now that is really "living it up"!

Have a blessed day,

Pastor Gary

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