Monday, May 15, 2006

Be The Man You Were Created To Be

Let me share with you a portion of an article from Kenny Luck, Men's Pastor at Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, CA. Kenny talks about our need as men for accountability. He says in New Man Magazine, May/June 2006 issue,: The more accountable we are as God's men, the healthier we are as individuals and, consequently, the healthier our body of believers becomes. That's why more of God's men need to have a Jonathan and David moment. One God's man simple commits the following to the other: "The Lord is witness between you and me" (1 Samuel 20: 42, NIV). In other words, we are each other's spiritual space invaders, and we won't let each other fail spiritually.

Not only are we accountable to God, in Christ we are accountable to each other.

'Til the storm passes,

Pastor Gary