Thursday, October 25, 2007

What Will Fame Get You Anyway?

Walt Disney said, "As far as I can remember, being a celebrity has never helped me make a good picture .. or command the obedience of my daughter or impress my wife. It doesn't even seem to help keep fleas off our dog, and if being a celebrity won't give one an advantage over a couple fleas, then I guess there can't be that much in being a celebrity after all."

If you take all the "fame"ous (I know it's spelled wrong) people you've ever known of and put them in a room (assuming they are alive) and if they were totally honest, they would tell you exactly what Walt Disney said. Their dogs still have fleas, they still have family concerns, they still put their pants on one leg at a time. It's fun to know many of them, but they can't do a thing for you.

Hebrews 11 tells us of God's "fame"ous (I know, I know) people and how they are right now "a great cloud of witnesses." That means we can look back at their faith and how they trusted God and how He came through for them. He will do the same thing for you. The only famous Person to put your trust in is Jesus, our Lord and our Savior.

'Til the storm passes,

Pastor Gary

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