Monday, November 12, 2007

What Do You Call Your Spouse (keep it clean)?

I do quite a few weddings as pastor of CrossPoint and one of my favorite parts of the ceremony is when I get to introduce the couple, for the very first time anywhere in the world, as Mr. and Mrs. I just think it's cool that I can be the first one to do that (okay, enough of that).

Speaking of names, I got to thinking about what spouses call each other after they have been married for a while. Here's a short list I came up with (these are real). Let me know what you call your spouse.

Snugglepuppy, Lovemuffin, Smooshy Poo, Hunny Bunches of Oats, Sugarlips, Jellybean, Doodlebug. I call my wife Beautiful, Sweetie, Baby, but my favorite is Hunka Hunka Burning Love (pronounced Luv)). I have asked couples in my church to share their nicknames for each other. If they are brave enough to do it, I'll share them with you later this week.

Have a blessed day,

Pastor Gary

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