Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Which Heart Is Yours?

Which Heart Is Yours?
Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23

Throughout much of Jesus' ministry, He used parables to teach a truth. In the parable of the Seed and the Sower, we learn about our "heart" condition.

Our goal is to have the kind of heart that accepts the Word of God and begin to reproduce our hearts in the lives of other people.

So let's get started...

1. The Hard Heart - (vv.4,19)

Jesus is talking about the person who has been exposed to the Gospel but doesn't
fully comprehend what is being said. It has had some level of impact upon him,
but not enough to really sink in. This is a person who is not saved.

This kind of heart is influenced by Satan.

2. The Shallow Heart - (vv.5,6,20,21)

This person hears the gospel and about God's grace and says "Sign me up!" but
when they find out that the Christian life is not all roses they say, "Count me
out!" Their commitment is on the surface, and when trouble comes their way they
are quick to renege on the commitment they have made.

This heart is influenced by the flesh.

3. The Crowded Heart - (vv.7,22)

This person has so much going on in his life that he has very little time for
God. His concern is on the "cares of this life" and the "lure of material
things" that in time Christ is left out of the picture.

This heart is influenced by the world.

In these three types of hearts we find three influences - the world, the flesh,
and the devil. These are the same influences that we are warned against
(1 John 2:15-17).

4. The Fertile Heart - (vv.8,9,23)

How do we have a fertile heart? First, we have to hear the Word of God before
we can accept it. Sit down and study the Bible daily. Second, accept God's
Word into your heart (ask the Holy Spirit to commune with your innermost man)
and mind.

The result of this kind of heart is a harvest.

Have a blessed week,

Pastor Gary

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