Friday, March 31, 2006

Do You Know What Slop Is?

When I was a boy on the farm in Alabama we used to feed the pigs left over scrapes, etc. We called it "slopping the hogs." It wasn't the most pleasant looking food but the hogs didn't seem to mind. But for me, slop was nasty. Can you imagine eating something like that?

In Luke 15: 11-24 we have the story of the prodigal son. This was a young man that left home to "find himself." He asked his dad for his inheritance and took off for new adventures. Well, his adventures led him to the pig pen. He spent all of his inheritance and got to the point that he had to take a job "slopping" the hogs. From riches to the pig pen. Things got so bad that he was thinking about eating some of the slop. This young man had sunk to the bottom.

Sometimes it is when we are at the bottom of our life that we come to our senses as the prodigal son did. He said I'll go back home and see if my dad will hire me as one of his servants. He was willing to now serve, instead of receive. When his dad saw him coming he ran to him and gave him a big hug, a robe to wear, and threw him a big party.

Have you ever been in the pig pen? Has your life sunk so low that you felt like there was no hope, that you had made such a mess of things that you might as well end it all? Well, I've got good news for you. God wants to give you a big hug, clean you up, put a new robe on you, and throw you a party. All you have to do is confess your pig pen ways, believe that Jesus is Lord and that God raised Him from the dead, and you shall be saved.

What are you willing to do? The Father is looking down the road for you to come home.

'Til the storm passes,

Pastor Gary

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