Monday, January 23, 2006

Push, Push, Push - That's All I Do Is Push

There's the story of the Christian man who lived alone in a cabin in the mountains. He had an intense desire to grow in the Lord so he could do more for Him. He asked God for help. And this is what God told him. "Go to the huge boulder that is in front of your house and push on it every day from daylight until dark." That was God's simple message. Wanting to please God, the man did just as God instructed. Every morning he would get up at the break of dawn and push on that rock as hard as he could until it was dark. He did this for several months, push, push, push, but the boulder would never budge. Finally, the man became so frustrated that he cried out to God and said, "I have done exactly what you instructed. All day long I push this boulder until I am exhausted but it never moves. I don't understand. If this is something that pleases you, why isn't more happening?" God replied to the man and said, "I know the rock hasn't moved with all that pushing you have done but look how much stronger you have become."

Sometimes God allows us to go through circumstances that don't make sense. If He loves us so much, why does this have to happen? What God is saying is, "If you will just trust me through this trial( test, valley, "sifting"), you will be amazed at how much you will grow."

So ladies and gentlemen, let's keep pushing, pushing, and pushing, trusting, trusting, trusting, and faithing, faithing, faithing, and experience the growth God has for us.

Have a blessed day,

Pastor Gary

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